A Betty Crocker Block Party

Block Party and Betty Crocker.  What a fabulous combination of Midwest American goodness.

My wife and I were discussing block parties the other night.  I remember block parties growing up in Billings, Montana.  I remember running all over the place with the neighborhood kids.  Wow, what a good time.

Block parties have to be on the decline in America.  My neighborhood had the traditional grid layout with streets like Elm and Ash.  They were ripe for this sort of activity.  I don’t think many of the suburban neighborhoods built in the last twenty years are as block party friendly as those built in the 40’s and 50’s.  Or,  we just aren’t making time for this sort of activity.  I bet we aren’t making time.

So is anyone still seeing great block parties in their neighborhoods?  If anything, it gives us an excuse to buy Schiltz.  We all get to save money and support 1950’s nostalgia.

So what are your summer block party plans?

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