Power to the People – Apathy Destroyed

I just returned from voting.  I have a responsibility to vote because many citizens before me have died and defended my right to peacefully tell my country who I believe should represent me.  The concept that we can peacefully change governmental leadership is still the exception around the world, not the norm.

So you will understand why I am so overjoyed about a conversation I had with one of the officials at my precinct.  I asked how the turnout had been so far?  She just burst into a grin a mile wide.  She said there are approximately 1,600 registered voters in the precinct and close to 1,200 have voted already!

Holy sh#@t!  Yep.  That is a near 75% voter turn out and it is only 12:30MST.  She said she has NEVER seen a turn out like this before in her life.

Thank you to everyone in my neck of the woods.  You demonstrated why this country is still the best place on earth.


Filed under bozeman, montana, world around us

3 responses to “Power to the People – Apathy Destroyed

  1. scaccesstojustice

    It is the best country on earth. At least it’s my favorite!
    My question is why, with all the existing technology, I had to wait in line to vote for 4 1/2 hours?

  2. andrewhull

    You must live in a highly populated area. In Montana, I don’t think I have waited in line for more than 10 minutes to vote over the years (and we still have the manual, paper process).

    I am glad you stuck it out. BTW – We can also feel fortunate that you were able to stand in line and feel safe. No military, police telling you who you will vote for…

  3. Cheryl Peterson

    Thats because in this country the citizens have more guns than the Police! Lets hope it stays that way….

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