Tag Archives: bike commuting

Bike Commuting

I am an avid cyclist.  I spent over a decade road and mountain bike racing.  But, I always did it for competition.  Once I graduated from college, more important activities came along like my spouse, career and kids.

I started commuting to work this week.  Not for gas money or a green cause (sorry, no altruistic or economic reason).  I can not explain why I haven’t done this earlier.  It really perplexes me.  Now granted, six months of the year are winter.  Winter in Montana IS made of two things – COLD and SNOW.

But check this picture out.  This is my 30 minute commute scene from my house to work.  Yes, I am not kidding.  I bet I will see a rash of resumes from technology marketers dying to move to Montana and work for RightNow.  I will post the winter picture soon.  Until then, I am enjoying the 10 mile commute.

Bozeman Montana

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Filed under career, world around us