Tag Archives: humanity

Wildthings and Humanity

I was reminded not once but twice in the last 24 hours just how wild Montana remains.  My two oldest kids were rambling on last night about a mountain lion sighting in our neighborhood.  This has happened several times in the last five years and we obviously take the sightings seriously.  We have a series of trails that run through our neighborhood and many of them run though densely wooded areas – prime hiding spots for creatures like mountain lions.

Luckily, the kids didn’t seem to have nightmares about it.

This morning on my bike commute into work, I ran across two horses trotting down the highway.  No owners in sight.  It appeared they escaped their pasture and were off on an adventure of their own.  They gave me nothing short of an inquisitive look as I rode on by.

In the last several months, I have seen the following animals around Bozeman (8 miles from my house).

Prairie Dogs
Eagles (Golden and Bald)
White Owl

Except for the extremely harsh winters, Montana really is a great place for kids (and adults!) to grow up.

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