Tag Archives: work-life balance

Success in Rural America

Forbes.com covered a piece on RightNow Technologies.  I work for RightNow.  We are a software company headquartered in the least likely of places – Bozeman, Montana.  We have 700+ employees worldwide.

Greg Gianforte, my CEO, does an excellent job of communicating why rural America is a great place to start a company.  RightNow proves it is possible to be a global software leader and promote the family values and lifestyle so many people seek in their work-life balance.

Click on the image below to see the video on Forbes.com.  The intro commercial is about 20 seconds.


Thanks RightNow!

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Filed under business, career, family

Caffeine Culture and Work-Life Balance

I ran across a great article from 2005 on Teaching the Benefits of Balance.  The article talks about how some MBA programs are offering courses on managing complex relationships between work and personal life.

Not that I disagree with the concept, I just find it odd coming from MBA programs which breed the full octane, career minded business folks.  I loved my MBA program but a class on “balance” would have been low on my priority list.

However, six years after completing my program, a class on balance does not sound that bad!

Maybe a work-life balance program should be part of the alumni programs.  A few years after graduation, most MBA students have settled down and found the career that fits them.  It’s then, that the MBA graduate needs to figure out how to excel in their career and not blow themselves up along the way.


Filed under business, career, family, fatherhood